About me, once more
Thanks for coming to my blog! The image is from Wikimedia Commons and was taken by Martin Falbisoner.
I hope you appreciate the “ambiance”. I think this font is nice — I didn’t make this theme, so I don’t know what the font is, exactly, but you can get the theme here. The creator didn’t even credit themselves in the footer — I mean, that makes the theme feel more “premium”, for sure, but it’s his work!
This is the site where I write for the purpose of therapy. I like to control the narrative of my life and existence, and right here, I can do that — this is the “Brady Perkins Annals”, if you will. When I go back to reminisce about previous times in my life, this will be the official sequence of events.
I enjoy maintaining an Internet presence just for the fun of it, too. Web development is fun if it’s a hobby, and sharing websites within your circle is always entertaining. I give the URL to this site to friends, so, you know, if a square is a rectangle is a square then by virtue of finding my site, here, you’re a friend. Close enough for me!
I’ve written some other “about” pages on this site in the past, and you can find them if you go into the history of my posts. I periodically update the “about” link in the navbar to point to a new post that I think captures the most recent energy of the site, and this is the third rendition of my self-definition.
To summarize myself and what you can expect from my writing — I’m a student majoring in electronics engineering, and I have an unreasonable affection for my two primary hobbies, which are studying Mandarin and playing the clarinet. I’m not great at either, but I guess the motivation is there, so I’ll re-evaluate my ability in ten more years. It’s always about growth, right?
Current things on the personal long-term to-do list include:
Studying abroad
Getting an internship
Sleeping ten hours a night and keeping a level head (being a student is exactly as non-conducive to those things as they say)
…and, so far, I’m on track to achieve these things. Again, it’s the growth mindset that counts. The studying abroad might be hard to accomplish, but you don’t know until you talk to people.
Again, I appreciate you coming to read my writing — it’s a continuous time capsule, for sure.